In the words of the founder and creative behind the amazing culture at Microsoft…
[tweet_box design=”box_01″ url=”http://erickra.us/1nX6nEB” float=”none” excerpt=”‘It takes more than great products to make a great company’ -Bill Gates ~37 Facts About The New Microsoft”]”It takes more than great products to make a great company.” -Bill Gates[/tweet_box]
Here is a collection of 37 interesting things you probably don’t know about the “New Microsoft.”
- In 2014, Microsoft and employees raised over $119 million in cash (alone) for charities that they work for, believe in or otherwise support. Microsoft has a 100% match for employee contributions and pays charities a matching cash donation for employee volunteer hours .
- The Office 365 team uses Spark and Cassandra for analytics on the Office 365 platform. Check this out: Office 365 Team uses Spark and Cassandra for Big Data Analytics
- 1 out of 7 people on the planet use Office (more than 1.2 billion people)
- 1 in 4 VMs on Azure is running Linux
- 1/3 of all international phone calls occur on Skype
- In 2014, Microsoft surpassed total employee donations over $1 billion toward charities
- Microsoft’s internal Big Data environment is multi-petabytes in size with several hundred compute nodes
- Microsoft is one of the top corporate contributors to open source repos
- Since July 2015 (only 2 months), there have been over 100 Million activations of Windows 10
- .NET core runtime and compiler were recently checked in to GitHub
- Visual Studio Code is a modern development IDE that has been released for Linux and OSX (Excellent FREE IDE for web development like Node.js)
- Most client/mobile development is now targeted at iOS and Android first aligning to market share
- 85% of Fortune 500 companies use Yammer
- Azure has over 50 Trillion storage objects
- Skype Translator can translate phone calls in real-time in 6 languages
- Microsoft offers and supports HDInsight, a 100% Hortonworks/Apache version of Hadoop on Azure
- Skype supports text conversations in 50 languages
- Microsoft donates more than $2.6 million in software each day
- Microsoft has the second largest dark fiber network. It could stretch to the moon and back THREE times
- All new datacenters have a PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) rating of 1.125. That’s 1/3 less than the industry average (1.7).
- In 2014 alone, the percentage of women in Microsoft’s workforce grew from 24 to 28 percent
- The number of Microsoft senior executive women and minorities increased from 36 to 48 in 2014
- Microsoft provided support for over 300 natural disasters over the last few decades
- Microsoft YouthSpark has created educational and employment opportunities for over 300 million students around the world
- Microsoft and its employees contribute to more than 86,000 non-profit organizations
- In 2014, Microsoft completed 217 third-party audits and Microsoft assessments. This included 131 Tier 1 and high- and medium-risk Tier 2 hardware suppliers
- Since 1983, Microsoft and its employees have contributed more than $8.5 billion in cash, services and software to nonprofits around the world
- Every year, Microsoft employees consume over 984,000 orders of McDonald’s French Fries in Redmond, WA alone
- Bing for Schools has yielded $0 from displaying 0 ads to students
- Outlook.com has over 400 million active users
- Skype users leverage over 3 billion minutes of calling each day to stay in touch with family and friends
- More than 1.65 million students from more than 190 countries have participated in Imagine Cup, the world’s premier student technology competition
- Microsoft aims to reach $20 billion in cloud revenue by 2018, recently announced by Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO)
- Windows 10 IOT runs on Raspberry Pi 2 and Intel’s Minnowboard Max… like butter on hot toast
- Microsoft Edge browser is a significant re-write from Internet Explorer, supporting the latest HTML/CSS standards. It’s the only browser that allows you to write, draw and take notes directly on webpages and it’s the only browser that integrates with Cortana to bring you search results without ever leaving your page
- Microsoft partnered with GitHub to provide the Student Developer Pack. It’s a collection of the best software tools for students…for free.
- 86% of employees polled said they would consider Microsoft as a “great place to work”